중국 하왕조 우임금 시절 대홍수, 과학적 입증

미 사이언스지 4월호…과학자들, 4천년 전 '대홍수 전설' 연구

2017-05-23     오피니언뉴스


중국 황하에서 4000년 전에 대지진이 발생했고 이 지진으로 대홍수가 발생했다는 연구결과가 나왔다.

중국 황하에서 4000년 전에 대홍수가 발생했다는 증거가 처음 발견돼 ‘대우치수(大禹治水)’ 이야기도 신화가 아님이 입증됐다.

세계적으로 역사 깊은 문명에는 모두 홍수와 관련된 전설이 있다. 중국에서는 대홍수가 맹수처럼 모든 것을 집어삼키고 있을 때 한 위대한 인물이 나타나 황하를 다스려서야 만물이 다시 소생하고 중국 고대 문명이 다시 유전될 수 있었다는 이야기가 전해지고 있는데, 그가 바로 중국 첫 왕조인 하(夏)왕조를 건립한 우(禹)왕이다.

4일 미국 과학 잡지 ‘사이언스’지 최신호는, 황하 상류에서 발생한 지진이 대홍수를 야기했다는 내용의 중국 난징사범대 우칭룽 교수 연구팀 논문을 게재했다. 우 교수는 지난 2007년 황하 주변 지층을 살피다가 대홍수의 흔적을 발견하고 탐사를 시작했다.

연구팀은 황하 상류에서 지진과 홍수의 증거를 동시에 찾아낼 수 있었다. 수천년 전 대지진 피해를 입었던 칭하이성 라자 마을 인근의 무너진 동굴에서는 홍수 퇴적물과 함께 지진으로 깨진 도자기를 찾아냈고, ‘지스 협곡’에서는 대홍수 당시 산사태로 형성됐던 거대한 호수의 흔적을 발견했다.

탐사팀의 연구 결과 대지진과 대홍수는 같은 시기에 발생했다. 라자 마을에서 발견된 어린이 유골을 방사성탄소 연대측정법으로 분석한 결과, 대지진은 기원전 1922년에 발생했고, 홍수 퇴적물에 포함된 유기물 분석을 통해 대홍수는 대략 기원전 2000년에 발생한 것으로 드러났기 때문이다. 지진으로 균열이 생긴 지반에서 홍수 퇴적물이 발견된 것도 이 같은 결론을 뒷받침한다.

대홍수 발생 과정을 재구성해 보면, 지진 발생 후 황하 상류에 있는 협곡이 산사태로 흘러내린 토사에 막히면서 천연댐이 형성됐고 여기에 강물이 지속적으로 유입되면서 거대한 호수가 형성됐다. 호수 수위는 계속 올라가고 있었지만 하류에서 황하가 말라들고 있는 현상만 볼 수 있었다.

약 6개월에서 9개월 후 호수가 넘치면서 천연댐도 붕괴돼 거대한 홍수가 쏟아져 내려왔다. 연구팀에 따르면, 당시 110억-160억 리터의 강물이 순식간에 쏟아져 2,000km 거리 안에 있는 모든 것을 휩쓸어버렸다.

논문을 공동 집필한 미 퍼듀대학 지질학자 대릴 그레인저(Darryl Granger) 교수는 이는 “과거 1만 년 간 발생한 홍수 중에서도 최대급 대홍수”라고 말했다. 그 때 황하 수위는 현재보다 38미터 높은 위치까지 상승했다고 한다.

한편, 대홍수가 발생했던 시기는 황하 물곬이 바뀐 연대와 일치하고, ‘대우치수’ 이야기에서 홍수가 수십년 동안 기승을 부렸다고 하는 시기와도 일치하다. 우왕은 대홍수를 황하 수로로 끌어들이기 위한 공사를 지휘, 치수 재능을 발휘해 크게 명성을 얻었다.

이번 연구는 또 그동안 하왕조의 시작 연대를 놓고 오랫동안 풀지 못했던 의혹을 풀어줬다. 그동안 하왕조는 기원전 2070년에 시작된 것으로 기록됐지만 하왕조 유적인 얼리더우(二里斗) 문화는 기원전 1900년에 시작된 것으로 밝혀져 약 170년 간의 차이가 있었다. 이 때문에 하왕조의 존재를 부정한 학자들까지 있었다.

하왕조가 대홍수 발생 이후 시작된 것은 확실하기 때문에 이번 논문은 그동안의 문헌 기록이 잘못됐고 중국 청동기시대를 알린 얼리더우 문화가 확실히 하왕조의 시작과 함께 나타난 것임을 과학적으로 입증했다.

워싱턴대학 지질학자 데이비드 몽고메리(David Montgomery) 교수는 “이제 우리는 중국 대홍수가 실제로 발생했다는 사실을 알게 됐다. 그렇다면 다른 고대문명에서 나오는 대재앙도 사실일 수 있지 않겠는가”고 말했다. /우잉(吳英) 기자

편집장 editor@epochtimes.co.kr



미국 사이언스지 4월호 기사


<< Massive flood may have led to China's earliest empire >>

By Dennis NormileAug. 4, 2016 , 2:00 PM


Many cultures trace their origins to the hazy horizon where history meets legend. In China's case, that blurry line occurs sometime between 2200 B.C.E. and 2000 B.C.E., when a legendary hero named Yu tamed Yellow River flooding and earned a mandate to become the founding emperor of the Xia dynasty, the country's first. That’s the story according to texts written long after the fact, and many Chinese believe their civilization started with emperor Yu. But archaeologists have been unable to find convincing evidence for either the flood or the Xia dynasty itself.


Now, an international team of scientists drawn from the fields of archaeology, anthropology, seismology, and geology have gathered disparate evidence from ancient texts, sedimentary deposits, earthquake-triggered landslides, and skeletons in collapsed cave dwellings to craft a scenario presented this week in Science that they claim supports the legend of a great flood and hints that the Xia dynasty might be real. If the findings hold up, they could lend credence to early historical texts and help resolve a long-running debate over the origins of China and its people.


It is "a groundbreaking study," says Qingwei Sun, an archaeologist at Peking University in Beijing who was not involved in the work. Still, "more data is needed [for the findings] to be widely accepted," he says.


The paper was nearly a decade in the making. In spring 2007, the study's lead author, geologist Qinglong Wu, was working as a postdoc at the China Earthquake Administration's Institute of Geology in Beijing, when his team found ancient lakebed sediments in the Jishi Gorge at the upper reaches of the Yellow River, about 1300 kilometers west of Beijing. They speculated that at some point a lake had formed in the gorge behind rubble from a landslide. If that dam gave away, they reasoned, it would have caused a major flood.


Following a hunch that came during a sleepless night in July 2008, Wu traveled 25 kilometers downstream from the gorge, where a major earthquake had destroyed numerous cave dwellings in a Neolithic settlement called Lajia. Subsequently, a thick layer of mud engulfed the ruins and the victims, preserving them for discovery in the 1990s. Wu found that the Lajia mud matched material from Jishi Gorge, suggesting that the same earthquake that had destroyed the dwellings had also triggered the upstream landslide that set the stage for the flood. Because the sediment was quite different from what would have been washed into the ruins by rainstorms, "the earthquake and flood must have occurred in the same year," says Darryl Granger, a geologist at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, who is a co-author of the paper.


At that point, Wu began thinking that this event could be the basis for China’s great flood legend. "I didn’t tell others because it would invite laughter," he says. Instead, he quietly gathered evidence from lake deposits in the gorge and flood sediments downstream, and reached out to specialists around the world to help him interpret the data. The team concluded that the landslide created a dam 200 meters high that choked off the mighty Yellow for 6 to 9 months. The rising water finally overtopped the rubble and then quickly washed it away, causing a torrent that could have been among the largest floods of the Holocene epoch, Granger says. It is difficult to determine when ancient floods happened, but radiocarbon dating of the Lajia human remains pegged the catastrophes to about 1900 B.C.E.


The massive flood “provides us with a tantalizing hint that the Xia dynasty might really have existed," says David Cohen, an archaeologist and co-author at National Taiwan University in Taipei. The devastating flood could have inundated settlements even a thousand or more kilometers downstream, he says, and created chaos from which a new political order emerged. This sequence of events neatly fits the legend of Yu controlling the flooding by dredging channels to confine the Yellow River and its tributaries. This feat, the ancient texts say, allowed him to claim a mandate as the first emperor of the Xia dynasty.


The timing is curiously coincidental. Around 1900 B.C.E., Cohen says, Chinese society was transitioning from the Neolithic to the Bronze age. The date also correlates with what is called the Erlitou culture, which is known from palace buildings and bronze smelting workshops discovered near Zhengzhou, about 2500 kilometers downstream from Jishi Gorge. Many scholars have argued that Erlitou is a manifestation of the elusive Xia dynasty, but a link is not firmly established.


Nevertheless, with hard evidence of a catastrophic flood occurring at a time of social and political change, "It's an amazing story of all these different lines of evidence coming together," Cohen says. “If the great flood really happened, then the Xia dynasty likely happened, too,” he concludes.


"It's a thought-provoking piece of work," agrees Tristram Kidder, an archaeologist at Washington University in St. Louis in Missouri, who works on several sites on the lower Yellow River. "They've done a great job showing that there was a major, catastrophic flood.”


But Haiwang Liu, an archaeologist at the Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology in Zhengzhou, China, who collaborates with Kidder, says that at their sites in the lower Yellow, "no hard physical evidence of great floods during that time has been found." And Lothar von Falkenhausen, an archaeologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, cautions against "proposing too direct a linkage between such environmental events with semimythical accounts recorded in texts of much later date."


The new paper's findings are also at odds with other recent studies, which have proposed alternative explanations for both the Jishi Gorge deposits and the Lajia sediment, says Wenxiang Wu, a geographer at the Chinese Academy of Sciences's Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research in Beijing. He adds that recent radiocarbon dating refinements have suggested the Erlitou culture thrived between 1750 B.C.E. and 1530 B.C.E.—much later than the proposed new date for the Xia dynasty. The paper "needs more supporting evidence," for its claims regarding a great flood and the Xia dynasty, Wenxiang Wu concludes.


Qinglong Wu, now at Nanjing Normal University, acknowledges the paper is certain to stir up several long-simmering controversies. But in trying to make sense of disparate historical and physical evidence "our data involves fewer contradictions" than alternative explanations, he says.


One point all agree on is the need for further study. Finding evidence for a great flood along the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River "would undoubtedly strengthen the persuasiveness of the paper,” Sun says. Wu’s team "sets out a hypothesis we can follow up—it gives us something to look for," Kidder says.


Posted in: Archaeology, Asia/Pacific, Human Evolution

DOI: 10.1126/science.aag0729